Dr. Lisa Goodman believes that chiropractic is the best profession in the world. Certified in sports, prenatal, and pediatric chiropractic, as well as Titleist Performance Institute certified, Dr. Goodman founded Washington Park Chiropractic in 2006. She has a degree in marketing and communications and spent four years in brand advertising before graduating as valedictorian of her chiropractic college, Palmer West. She is known as an international speaker, author, teacher, mentor, and clinician in and out of the office at worldwide events.
“THE MANUAL for the Chiropractic Entrepreneur,” published by Parker University, is Dr. Goodman’s first published book. It serves as a comprehensive guide for both established and aspiring chiropractic entrepreneurs and offers strategies for launching and growing a successful practice.
Dr. Goodman shares, “I was inspired to write THE MANUAL days into opening my practice in 2006. As I was bumbling along, not truly understanding how to open or run a business, I had the thought – Someday, I will put this process on paper to help the thousands of people who come after me! In school, we are not taught how to write a business plan, choose our target audience, or create a brand. We are not taught how to decide appointment length, what to charge, or how to manage risk. We are not taught how to register a business, what taxes must be paid, and what our responsibilities are as small business owners. Lastly, we are not taught when or how to make our first hire or how to define profit for ourselves! THE MANUAL teaches all of that and much more!”
Dr. Goodman hopes readers start THE MANUAL with their own ideas for what they want their practice to be and that this guide helps them bring their vision to life. THE MANUAL will help chiropractors organize and prioritize their ideas while ensuring all steps are noticed. The purpose of THE MANUAL and in Dr. Goodman’s practice is to inspire others to have confidence in realizing their full potential.
At Parker Seminars’ most recent Las Vegas 2024 event, Dr. Goodman promoted her book with two book signings and two exciting speaker sessions. “I connected with students, new doctors, existing doctors, and their support staff. At Parker Seminars, the excitement about the book took on a life of its own. It seems that everyone has been waiting for something like this to dig into and start making the most of their opportunity. People are not eager to spend thousands of dollars on professional coaching or mastermind groups. If they have a vision, passion, and the work ethic to get it done, THE MANUAL is the only resource they’ll need to open and grow a successful, ethical, community-based practice,” she says.
“THE MANUAL for the Chiropractic Entrepreneur” is now available on Amazon.
About Parker University
Parker University, the fourth-fastest growing college in Texas and the fastest-growing college in Dallas, was founded in 1982 by Dr. James William Parker (formerly Parker College of Chiropractic). Today, Parker University has more than 2,100 students and more than 35 academic programs, including its famed chiropractic program, as well as master’s degrees in clinical neuroscience, strength and human performance, and functional nutrition. Currently, Parker University’s chiropractic cohort is the second largest of any campus in the world. Parker University has been recognized as an Honor Roll Institution by Great Colleges to Work For®, one of the 25 Fastest-Growing Colleges in the U.S., as a recipient of the FutureEdge 50 Awards, and as a Best Texas Online College by Forbes.