Baillie Trumble, Tri-3, as Texas Ranger Ballgirl

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With the Texas Rangers once again reaching the post-season comes an exciting opportunity for one of our own Parker University students. Baillie Trumble, Tri-3, is currently in the midst of her second season as a ball girl for the Rangers ball club.

Baillie is no stranger to the game of baseball or softball for that matter. She played fast-pitch softball at Granbury High School and posted 20 wins over two seasons as a pitcher for Howard Payne University where she was named to the All-American Southwest Conference Academic Team and was a member of the 2014 Chiro Games softball team.


Baillie’s schedule when the Rangers are in town for home games is pretty full. She attends classes in the morning, works at the campus Fitness Center during the day and then has Lab later in the afternoons. She has to be at Globelife Park in Arlington about an hour before the game suited up and ready to go by first pitch. You can normally find Baillie perched upon her stool along the left field foul line during the game. One of her duties as a ball girl that she looks forward to the most is getting to play catch with whomever is playing leftfield. Although she enjoys playing catch with any Ranger who happens to be out there, she mostly gets a kick out of playing catch with former AL MVP Josh Hamilton. There are those rare times that the visiting team also sends a leftfielder out there that she admires as well, especially when the Anaheim Angels are in town. She describes as them as her favorite players outside of the Rangers to play catch with. It doesn’t hurt either that she also gets to toss the ball to 2 time AL MVP and centerfielder for the Angels, Mike Trout.

Baillie has been a lifelong Rangers fan, so this could almost be considered a dream job. Her duties on game days don’t vary too much, play catch, field foul balls and her favorite, interacting with all of the great Rangers fans. She loves the moment she fields a foul ball and is able to hand it to a child in the stands, thus giving that fan a lifelong memory.

Currently in the DC Program at Parker University, she plans on moving back to Granbury when she graduates and working with her current Chiropractor. But, in the meantime, Baillie is looking forward to experiencing the playoff atmosphere of a jam packed Ballpark. While she may not be able to show too much emotion on the field during the game, deep down she’s pulling for that chance to be able to field a few foul balls, play a little catch and hand out a few more souvenirs during the World Series.



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